How to Design Beautiful Wooden iPhone Case

| February 16, 2013 | 0 Comments

The world believes in trendy items today may that be anything even a wooden iphone case. Designing a wooden iphone cover is an out of the box thought and everyone wants to have something so unique like an iphone case made up of wood. The only issue is that special equipment is required to design an iphone cover made of wood. However if you do have those facilities it is nevertheless a smart idea to go for something that is uncommon. A wooden iphone cover is comparatively less prone to damages as well.

Wooden Iphone Case Designing


The following steps will guide you how you can design a wooden iphone case.

Instruction Step 1:The best way to design an iphone case is to simply draw your visualization on a piece of paper. If you have a drawn image infront of you it will make your work easier and you can make the design in a better way.

Instruction Step 2: It is very important to keep in view the considerations and specifications given by the Apple developer site in order to create a flawless iphone case. Charging ports, camera lens and holes for buttons are the considerations that have to be remembered keeping in view that some people might prefer to use docks, headphones. There may be a case that some people might prefer to you chargers of some other brand.

Instruction Step 3:  A bandsaw can be used to cut a shape out of wood. Once the shape is infront of you then you can think over the locations for things like ports or a hole for a button.

Instruction Step 4: Try designing a case which is thin and light. This requires that you cut out the wood in that specific manner.

Instruction Step 5: The housing should be carved with the help of a CNC Mill.

Instruction Step 6: Then the next step is the sanding.

Instruction Step 7:Acrylic base protection coating should then be applied on the iphone cover.

Instruction Step 8:You can even add engravings on your iphone, but that might cost a lot.

Wooden Iphone Case Designing

If you follow the above mentioned steps exactly the way they are stated then you can easily get a wooden iphone case of your choice. If you feel that you can easily handle the complex equipment required then another option is that you can get it designed from some professional exactly the way it is mentioned in the tutorial. If you purchase it from big brands in the market it might cost you a lot and something available in the market can never be so unique like something created with your own hands. You can be the best designer because you have the clear perception of what you exactly want. If you are even getting it designed by someone you should clearly explain the steps to the person so that there are no interpretation issues and they can exactly create the product of your choice and the final product is designed as per your liking.

Category: Accessories, iphone

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+