Custom Iphone Case with Printable Covers

| February 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

When the concept of phones emerged the usual selection was black. However, times have changed now and so are the choices of individuals. No longer are the same old colors like black and pink in trend. Then arrived the flip phones. However after the arrival of the smartphones the technology went over a revolution and everything changed for the better.

customiPhone case with printable cover

The ios technology gave a new dimension to the outlook of iphones. May that be the iphones or their cover. Some people value extraordinary things and they are not pleased by ordinary stuff. Such people prefer to design things rather than purchase items from the market. The iphones are widely popular. However, even the best iphone would miss that perfect touch if it does not have the best case. Printable covers give you an opportunity to design the best custom iphone case. You would not need to use any complex software to create designs; the printable covers will simply do the job.


  •  Colored Printer
  • Sketch kit and scissors


The following steps will provide an insightfor designing your custom iphone case.

  1. You would need a perfect internet connection. Secondly you should be aware of the art of researching what you actually require. You can visit different sites that offer printable designs for iphone cases. You can make your pick.
  2. Take out a printout of the design you require.
  3. You can then give an excellent outlook to your design by trimming around the corners.
  4. You need to use your cover as a guide. The camera hole should be traced onto the design.
  5. The next step is trimming with your perfect pair of scissors. Trimming is a very critical step and  if the trimming is not done in a proper manner the final artifact will not have the desired look.
  6. A punch hole can be used to start your circle and the little scissors can be used to trim closely.
  7. You can then pop the design onto your case and then onto your phone. This method allows you to select different designs according to your choice.


  • Be careful with colorful combinations. They need to blend in well  to magnify the beauty of your case.
  •  The printout out needs to be of good quality. The color should be prominent to give that realistic look to your iphone case.

Custom iphone case designing is undoubtedly an art. If you are an individual who is variety oriented then you would definitely prefer to spend a few hours in this fulfilling activity. You can now enjoy the fancy features of the technology and also personalize your iphone in your own personal way. Do not be reluctant to make that extra effort. If you make an effort in designing your iphone case, you are bound to be showered with compliments and that is what everyone thrives for. These simple steps will make iphone case creation a piece of cake for the person who is willing to learn and accomplish this task with nothing less than ultimate perfection.

Category: Accessories, iphone

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+