Apple Focusing On iOS 7.0.3 Update

| October 31, 2013 | 2 Comments

Apple Focusing On iOS 7.0.3 Update

The upcoming iOS update, that would possibly be the iOS 7.0.3 update, might come with a solution for some major issues which are being faced by iOS users.

First off, it may bring a permanent and official fix for iMessage issue which continues to plague iPhone users. Secondly, it might fix an issue with the software that involves iPads which were given to some school districts.

Apple Focusing On iOS 7.0.3 Update

It was approved by the Apple that it was focusing on iMesseage issues which have turned out since the launch of iOS 7 and couldn’t have been fixed even with the newly updates. Many iOS users are still having iMessage issues, and depending on text messages.

Some of the iOS users have been able to solve the problem by simply resetting their network settings, but this isn’t a permanent solution. With the iOS 7.0.3 update which is under testing and some rumors pointing to next week release, we can now expect a permanent solution to this problem.

Apple Focusing On iOS 7.0.3 Update

Another main issue which is disturbing Apple is the one affecting iPads which were provided to the school districts for the ease of the students. There are some supervision profiles for the educators in the iOS 7 to monitor their students, but unfortunately these profiles aren’t working properly as they appear broken in iOS 7.


Category: News

Eadie Simpson

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+