Know Some Problems Of iOS 7 And Their Solutions

| October 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

Know Some Problems Of iOS 7 And Their Solutions

The iOS 7 has been released recently, and iOS 7.0.3 update is also going to release in this week as many iOS users were facing some problems with this new operating system iOS 7. But here we’ll make you aware of its problems and their solutions that will help you understand the latest iOS 7. After the release of iOS 7, Apple is struggling hard in making its newly released iOS 7 more productive among the iOS users. So that’s why we’ve seen two update of this latest operating system from the Apple.

Battery Problem

Know Some Problems Of iOS 7 And Their Solutions

This one of them which we’ve seen mostly with the new iOS 7 as it has reduced the battery life of iOS devices. iOS 7 takes more battery than the previous one iOS 6. So in that sense it looks bad for iOS devices.


While there is not any official solution so far from the Apple, but there’re some ways you can really tweak the iOS 7 to help save the power. First off, you’ll need to turn OFF 3D effect found with the iOS 7. You can do it very easily by going for Accessibility Part of Setting Menu, just ON ‘’the Reduce Motion’’. That will really help you save your battery life. We’ve written on this topic comprehensively, for more info just click here..

iMessage & FaceTime do not work

Know Some Problems Of iOS 7 And Their Solutions

A fairly main irritation is what the iOS 7 has made with  iMessage. Basically, it does not work properly, sometimes you don’t get messages. FaceTime is also creating that kind of issues.


The Apple has recognized this issue and is struggling hard on its solution. But you can do the best simply toggling FaceTime and iMessage ON & OFF in Setting Menu.  And you can also go for reset that might solve this problem.


Category: How-Tos

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+