iPod Nano 2nd Generation Glitches with Solutions

| March 11, 2013 | 0 Comments

iPod nano 2nd generation is an audio player device of apple. It is much improved in functionality than the previous ones and launched in market for you in different sharp and light colors. This music player has function to shuffle the songs automatically to save your time and make you comfortable just selecting the option to shuffle the songs.

iPod Nano Complications and SolutionsShuffle work in sense to re state the songs from actual saved conditions and you can listen a changed list of songs. If you have wished to keep these songs back in actual position then you can turn off this option. It is easy to use and a source of pleasure.

Problems and their Solutions:

As in using any device you will face problems in range from tiny to severe and sometimes you will stuck at one point and could not understand the real reason behind these issues. Similarly iPod nano 2nd generation sometimes creates problems for its users and most of these problems can easily solve at home one of these are mentioned here.

Connectivity issue:

Connectivity issueiPod sometimes could not able to play songs and not give any sign to start; the possibility is here that you become fail to connect earphones correctly which may become cause of its ignorance. Check the microphones first either connected properly or not. Other this some

Freeze of iPod Nano:

Freeze of iPod NanoUsually you prefer to upload tunes and music via iTunes and during this process or after it finishes you will see the problem of its flat screen and unable to follow your given commands this shows that it will in state of freezing. The need is here to reset your device to start in a proper setting. That’s why it is most preferable to make a backup of your device first before connecting to iTunes.

Frequently Locks Up:

Frequently Locks UpIt is happen not usual that at the time of its use you will see the problem of locking frequently without giving instructions. Like you press the button to perform task and it became in position of lock to resolve this issue press the center and menu button jointly of your iPod until a logo will appear on the screen then left these buttons and wait to see the menu bar.

Black Screen issue:

Black Screen issueIt is a problem when you are using your iPod and it shows black screen to you but it does not you’re your device is in state of freeze your programs continue in whatever positions they are, then you would take a decision to restart it to keep it back in real position.

Memory Problem:

Memory ProblemAs your iPod nano 2nd generation has not a very huge memory, it contains just about 2 or 4 GB storage capacity. Just as your mobile system when its memory will completely full and unable to store any other album then usually this will create problem to run your iPod device smoothly. You have to keep some free space in it by removing songs from it to work properly. 

Category: iPod, News

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+