iPod Nano Shuffle Has Different Specifications to Use

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Apple introduced “iPod nano shuffle” for music lovers. It is easy to carry and the best is in it that, it is a wearable device which you can hold with your pocket because of its holder. It is an audio mini device in which you can store hundreds of songs. It has a chargeable battery and you can take it with you anywhere you want without any trouble. It can be hold with your suite, purse, jacket or shirt without hesitating. You can control it through its display buttons and some of its keys are displayed at the top of it. As its name shows it quality to shuffle songs by which you can listen mixed and one of your favorite songs.

iPod Nano Shuffle spacifications

Specifications of iPod nano shuffle:

iPod nano shuffle come in market with its different specifications which differ it from other iPod’s models. Its structure is of aluminum and available in different light and eye catching colors. Its specifications, colors and mini size make it attractive among people who love music and prefer to hear music throughout working hours.

It has mostly seen that listening music at the time of work motivates them and involve them it their tasks and sustain their attention too. For those people it is the best device to handle and to use along with its extra battery timing up to fifteen hours. It has a two GB storage capacity which makes it possible to store as many songs as you want.

iPod nano shuffle colors

It gives you the option to change the saved songs in it by pressing the button to shuffle it, which changed the list of songs and make it interesting for you. If you want to give the order to this song s then click the button to off the shuffle option.  Forward, pause and to skip a song facility is also there by clicking the required button for it.

If you want to know the name of the song then voice over will help you, here is a need to press the button placed at the top of the device then it will read the name of your chosen song. It is really amazing that for this purpose you can set the language which you understand most because it is able to read about twenty nine languages and will tell you the title in your selected language.

Also See: Speculations of iPod Nano 5G

To create playlist is also another option of this device but this become possible by using iTunes on your PC systemand can give names to these playlists then voice over will tell you the names and you can play your favorite one based on your mood. Except this you can use the Genius option on to your iPod nano shuffle which helps you to shuffle songs automatically and you will enjoy the different songs on your favorite iPod.


Category: iPod, Reviews

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+