New Leaks Talk about Two Phones – iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S

| May 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

Apple iPhone 6..

This time brings us a new story that Apple will be launching two iPhones rather than one. It’s likely that we’ll be seeing iPhone 6 with 4.7-inch screen size and iPhone 6S with 5.5-inch screen size.  The release of two phones makes some sense as we’ve seen Apple doing so last year with iPhone 5C and iPhone 6S. So, there won’t be any shock if Apple does so.

Today, new seeped images of iPhone 6’s case appeared on the web pointing two different models; one with smaller display and other with bigger screen. It’s not a final call as nothing has been confirmed by the company yet. So, these kinds of reports and rumors will continue hitting the web unless Apple releases its flagship device officially.

iPhone 6 leak 1

There are some chances we will get some hints regarding new iPhone at Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference which is set to be held on June 2. Though, it’s an event for App and Software development but we are pretty much sure that Apple will whisper about its next iPhone reducing the curiosity of iPhone 6 among its fans.

iPhone 6 seeped case image

Really, it would be interesting to see what Apple brings in to compete with the market. We have seen Samsung, Sony and HTC launching their flagship smartphones with cutting-edge features. Seeing the trends, Apple will have to feature a larger display, better processor and stunning camera. If Apple loses any of them then it would be difficult for the company to stay in the game. Improved camera and larger display will matter as Apple has always been successful bringing better processors.


Category: iphone

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+