Best Storage App 2SD Pro Available For Apple Devices

| March 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

If you are the users of Apple or Android and have too many apps on your phone and very curious about the shortage of your phone memory and this reason compel you to delete your precious apps from your phone then just STOP for doing that.

App 2SD Pro Shares Your Memory Now App 2Sd prois developed especially for those Apple and Android users who want to save their important apps on their phone but have not enough space for that. This app will give you opportunity to move these apps towards its memory. You can also call this app “move to Sd” which make it possible for you to store your phone apps in it for future use.

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App 2SD pro is an app forApple and Android phones to share the memory of these mobiles. Usually you experience low memory status of ios or android phones and you cannot keep installed too many apps at the same time.

But this app makes it easy to you to save these apps and to use for next. Actually it has different versions like 2.30, 2.32, 2.40, and 2.42 and so on but the latest version is 2.73.

All these versions are not compatible to same device, you can download that version of Sd which will compatible to your phone and for the latest version you need to have iOS 6 or 7 or OS 2.2 + Android availability.  

Features of App 2SD Pro

Once you move your apps towards app 2Sd then you cannot find these apps on to your phone screen or in folders because it is unable to copy from phone to card that’s why if you decide to move then it will completely disappear from your device.

app 2SD pro photoThis does not mean that you become unable to move it again towards phone memory, it is very simple to move apps from phone to card and also very simple to move these apps from card to phone without any issue and effort. On the other side you can move your apps from internal and external memory of your phone.

app 2SD pro screen shotIf you are searching something like that to solve the problem of your device’s shortage memory then it will really help you to resolve your issue. You will never find any difficulty to search your required app from card or memory because it has the facility to sort out the apps from application’s store.

app 2SD pro imageIt will provide you the list of available apps and you can view the detail of related app. You will definitely say after its use that app 2SD pro is more convenient and best app among many others and easy to use. You will feel more controlling having this app.

Category: iphone

Author: Swagger Kaden()

Swagger has served his 9 years in Time Inc. and created several MAC and IPhone apps with a512KE llsi, he has done his exclusive jobs in Mellon Marry College of newspapers. He is specialized in editorial techs entertainment apps. Google+