Sony eyes iPhone Users with Xperia Smart Phone Data Transfer Option

| March 11, 2013 | 0 Comments

Sony has recently tried to enhance their use base for  Xperia Smart phone. Xperia is one of the best Android Smart Phones in the market from Sony. Sony offers a flexibility for Xperia users to experience more outstanding and especially users who want to move from an iPhone to Xperia. iPhone will get another competitor in the market as Apple was already managing this part of their business.


This transfer facility that makes it easy for iPhone users to move from an iPhone to Sony Xperia Smart phone. Sony Xperia works by back up system in which users have to take back up of their iPhones in iTunes before moving to Sony device in which users move their data that includes contacts, messages, calendar, Saved bookmarks, Music on iPhone, and other media.


How this option can effect iPhone Business?

Apple’s iPhone has a strong base but certainly it alarms Apple somewhere in the mind because now there is a possibility which was not present earlier that an iPhone user can switch to another smart phone of other company with all his data from iPhone.

It poses threat to iPhone

If some iPhone users move in this way and they remained to the other smart phone for a long time, it might be considered that they liked the other smart phone and got more satisfied than iPhone.


See Also: Top 5 Apple Apps of the year 2013

Other Players in the Space

Sony does not alone play its part to increase the competition for Apple. Apple has got a tough competition in 2013 as Apple has already seen it in 2012 by Samsung’s Smart phones. HTC, Blackberry and Nokia are somehow bring their own smart phones in 2013 to compete Apple. Nokia works with Microsoft’s Windows Phone where as HTC brings smart phones with Android. The BlackBerry brings BlackBerry Z10 which is a new outstanding touch smartphone. The BlackBerry Z10 takes BlackBerry into the competition of Smart Phones where Apple, Samsung, Nokia and HTC have already made space so competitive.

Category: iphone

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+