BlackBerry CEO is Not Impressed With iPhone User Interface

| April 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Besides popularity and big competition in the market with Apple’s iPhone domination in the past 5 years, Market has already started showing competition to Apple in Smart phone industry. Samsung’s Galaxy and Note Series, HTC, Nokia’s Windows Phones and BlackBerry’s Smart Phones are big competition for iPhone Business.


BlackBerry CEO's Views:

Recently there was a news on the internet  that BlackBerry CEO criticized Apple for not innovating any thing impressive in the iPhone user interface of the iPhone in the five editions to bring something new to compete with the other competitors and players of the industry. Apple’s iPhone is a major player in this competing smartphone platforms market. 

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According to that critism, iPhone has same interface and OS style for users which makes no new experience with a new version of the iPhone device. Actually He tried to say that technology and innovation is growing so fastly and brands need to be updated and keep on bring something new and extra for the consumers and users to keep them surprised and happy.

iphone user InterfaceHe described that the rate of innovation is so high in this industry that if you must innovate at that speed to keep yourself in into the market otherwise someone will replace you. The user interface was iPhone was critised by the BlackBerry chief.

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Certainly, BlackBerry now hopes to give a bang into Smart phone industry with their latest Smart phone product BlackBerry Z10.

iPhone-iOSThey must have in mind the factor of newness and innovation in this product. Apple's iOS and its user interface have been one of the trademarks of its worth and identies in the market and it will be seen in future that what changes and upgradation have been brought in the iOS devices OS.

Apple’s fans might not be thinking to expect some big changes in iPhone User Interface for next few years but there might be some thinking after few years.

Category: iphone, News

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+