Some Useful Tricks & Tips While Playing Candy Crush

| May 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

candy crush is one of the  best game Many people spend their spare time in playing games on their Smartphones avoiding all day time stress. Candy Crush is one of the favorite game that I use to play at my spare time. I have got a lot of experience that how can we crush more candies. I have managed that how can I  beat any level easily figuring out some useful tricks & tips which I am going to share with you all.

  1. Find patterns

There are some things that make a special candy or sprinkle donut effortlessly. Repeating and recognizing them makes you to smear the board & take your ticket for the next level quicker. I always  use to look for these kind of patterns. I can memorize them which lead to special candy and can fix them up whenever it is needed.

candy crush is one of the  best game

  1. Start at the bottom

It is better to crush candies from the bottom than crushing from the top because candies come towards  the bottom so it is a good way to start from the bottom instead of the top. This is one of the best strategy that one can get while playing Candy Crush.

  1. Go for combos

There are two combinations that seem to be good while playing candy crush. Their names are the stripped candy, the wrapped candy, and sprinkle donut pore. Approximately half  board will be wiped out using these combinations for you. In this way you can get by levels as 181 which is difficult to reach.

candy crush is one of the  best game

  1. Know your stripe

If you want to move candy horizontally, then it will also form a horizontal stripe which explodes horizontally. This is also something that you need to know before playing candy crush.

candy crush is one of the  best game

Category: Games

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+