Tips and Tricks to Use iPhone 5

| March 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

Apple introduced its latest model named iPhone 5 with advanced features to make your business and life easier. If you are one of those people who have iPhone 5 you have to get the precious knowledge related to the use of your device.

ips and tricks to use To iPhone 5It contains many features in the tinny body like Siri, Mapping and many others. Here we reveal few tips and tricks to use iPhone 5. Because of these features it becomes one of the best devices for you. Please go to the next section of the article to review these tips.

iPhone 5 mapsWhile travelling to somewhere and need directions then don’t forget to use its one of the best feature by which you can easily know about your next direction. Maps make it simple for you to search any place of your country where you want to go to meet your loved ones. Other this you can find your favorite place by zooming and can tilt or rotate the location by swapping your finger on it. Roads and streets with names also display through it.

Siri technologyAre you tied to tap your messes on to your text box? Then, leave it and turn its mode to voice messages by using Siri technology which is the coolest one tip in tips and tricks to use iPhone5.

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 Just talk to your iPhone that what it has to do for you. If you want to message to your sister then just give verbal commands to it and speak what you want to type for her and it will do it for you. Yes this is really very amazing and relaxing for you. Not only this, you can save your notes or check your emails through Siri. It is just like a person and you have to talk with it, if you want to make call to your friend then ask him to make contact and it will do but you have to add proper information for your contacts.

multi purpose displayNo doubt iPhone is used for multi purposes and display different things at one time but if you want to view one site at one time then tap the icon to watch its full screen sized display by rotating it.

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In your busy routine schedules you can set reminders to remind you your important tasks on daily basis. In spite of this, notification center informs you about pending requests, missing messages or other invitations coming from your friends so you can check your coming updates by viewing notification folder.

Tips and tricks to use iPhone 5 to get fun and entertainment connect your iPhone to apple TV and watch movies and TV shows live by streaming on your HD TV using Airplay app. 

Category: iphone, Updates

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+