Addison Mel
Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts.
Addison Mel's Latest Posts

Apple iPhone 6 – What Rumor Mill Says
With the every passing time, the rumor mill for Apple iPhone 6 is getting more momentum. Really, it’s going be critical for the Cupertino-based company. We’ve seen one of the cutting-edge smartphones from its competitors like Samsung, Sony and HTC. So, Apple needs to fill every gap that could be risky. Like, if Apple comes […]

Apple Podcasts App Gets a Siri Support
Apple on Thursday brings a Siri support to its Podcasts application. Now, users can enjoy their favorite music by simply asking Siri, which reduces the nuisance of searching manually. You can ask for specific episode or podcasts one by one using Siri support, a recently-added option. ‘’Play the Splendid Table podcasts’’, and in no time […]

Top iPhone Games for Your Kids
Have kids that don’t let you stay cool and keep asking for gifts and other things? This post might help you engage them with thrilling stuff and they won’t ask for anything except the game on your iPhone. It’s a simple and easy way to get them engaged. Check out the top iPhone games for […]

Passwords Plus v3 an iOS App Now Available at App Store
If you are getting a problem remembering all of your personal information like passowords, PINs and other sensitive info, then say thanks to DataViz Inc. who has released its latest version of Passwords Plus, an iOS app that keeps a good record of your private info securely. The updated version synchronizes data automatically across the […]

iPhone Cases – New Arrival
This week, you’ll find protection and some unique ways to deck your handsets as well. Our new roundup of iPhone cases offers a nice collection of designs and styles, so that you can pick your favorite one. One of them helps smokers to lighten their cigarettes when they don’t have any lighter. BuGoods This is […]

App Dose: Vango Brings Original Art Gallery to Your iOS device
Have some instincts for the true art work? If so, today’s app dose brings Vango, an app that lets the users see original art galleries on their iPhones or iPads. If you think it’s just simple having a view on them, you’re wrong as there’re plethora of things that you can do with real art […]

Top iOS Games of April 2014
The new apps keep coming on the daily basis, so what April brought us? Here we have assorted the best titles that just have joined the App Store last month. Let’s have a peek at them as there might be your favorite one. Hitman GO The name of the app looks a pretty catchy as […]

Must-Have Apps for iPhone Users
Everyday we got a new thing to explore; it could be anything in our lives. But now, I’ll talk about some new stuff that really doubles up your smartphone experience. There’re some handy apps for iPhone users that bring more new ideas. You&Me – Free You must be thinking how it is ranked in the […]

Best iOS Games Released in Last Month
If you are fond of playing new games, then this post is gonna work for you. We have assorted best iOS games that just have released last month. Really, it was difficult to sort the best titles for you. Anyhow, choose your favorite one to avoid boredom when you have nothing to do. FTL: Faster […]

New Slew Of iPhone Cases
We always bring you the best stuff for your handsets in order to give you an idea of what trends are being followed around the corner. With lots of new designs, we have come up with a new slew of iPhone cases that could help you find your favorite one. Belkin The company’s Tracy ($30 […]