Step to Become an iPhone App Developer

| March 28, 2013 | 0 Comments

Being an iPhone app developer is quite a challenging task and you have a lot on the line. The main quality that should come to the developer naturally is logical thinking. Logical thinking and coding go hand in hand. Moreover  the developer should be able to implement his concepts exactly the way he had conceptualized them.

iPhone app developerProgramming and application designing is share hard work and the developer has to utilize his potentials to the fullest to give the desired result. Moreover time management is equally important to give a timely delivery of an efficient application free of any kind of errors.


The following steps will act as guideline for an iPhone app developer.

Step 1: You will need to purchase a Mac. It should have an Intel processor. Moreover Leopard version of “Mac OS X” will be needed. WI-FI and Ethernet port would be needed and 1 GB of Ram will also be required.

Step 2: You will be requiring a software development kit to begin your work. The kit would facilitate you with the documentation, “reference library”, “iPhone simulator”, “XCode”, “performance analyzer” and “interface builders”.

Step 3: You will have to learn the “Objective C” language. Moreover you should be aware of basic understanding of object oriented concepts that would provide you with the basic concepts for designing an iPhone application.

Step 4: The best option is getting hold of programming book that will give you an insight regarding the programming concepts and start writing basic codes.

See More: iPad’s IOS Application Development

Step 5: If you plan to release your code in future a smart idea would be to sign up officially for an “iPhone developer”. You have to Apple’s terms and conditions. Once you have signed up with the program then pairing up with an iPhone would be a lot easier through a certificate that would be sent to you.

Step 6: Start your preparation. You can begin your programming by designing a game for an iPhone. You would learn immensely plus you will gain an opportunity to evaluate your own work and your standing.

Step 7: Once you are finished in producing your game. You can submit your work at the “app store”. Apple would review your work and if things go well your application would land up at the app store. However defects in the application can lead to rejection as well.

Step 8: You have to improve for your survival in this competitive field. Things are not going to be that easy. Once your application is tried out by many gamers many defects might be notified and you will have to bring about the necessary amendments to improve the working of your application in the best possible way.

If you follow the s it would become easy for you to design an application and become an excellent iPhone app developer.

Category: Apps, iphone

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+