Phlo is a influential internet Search Tool For The iOS Devices

| August 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Phlo is a influential internet Search Tool For The iOS Devices

Earlier in this year,  I got a look at the Phlo for Mac and loved it. But the Phlo an internet search tool for the iOS devices allows you to conduct one search using different search engines. You might, for instance, use the Google, Amazon, Bing and Wikipedia with a simple click to modify search engines. There is no retyping of search terms. No bothers.

Now this search power has come to the iOS, with the universal Phlo app ($2.99) that allows you to search up to 30 search engines, such as the Twitter, Facebook, eBay, Flicker, Wolfram Alpha and many more.

Phlo is a influential internet Search Tool For The iOS Devices

I used a collection of search techniques, and the app functioned quickly and flawlessly. Then I tried some particular movie searches by using Vimbo, IMDb, Google and YouTube. If the pre~set searches are not enough, you may create your own.

Phlo for the Mac ($3.99) has been updated, and the users can sync their search histories between the Macs and the iOS. It needs setting up a free account & signing into the each device. On Mac, Phlo can be released with the keyboard shortcut.

I spend much time in searching on my iPad, phone and computer. The Phlo speeds up the process, providing me some usable results rapidly. One thing which is missing is the capability to savea some search engines and use those particular searches. This would allow one~click searches. The developer says that it is working on, and it cannot come soon for me.

The Phlo for iOS needs iOS 6 and is optimized for iPhone 5. It’s worth a appearance if you are a constant searcher.

Category: Apps

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+