Can You Jailbreak iPad Mini in Minutes with Evasion Tool

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Jailbreak is a key to access your device to use advanced applications. It is the rule of apple manufacturers that they restrict their all devices at some extent and few advanced apps are not able to launch in devices except you personally purchase that. Here jailbreak is therule which enables you to use all restricted apps on your apple devices without paying or purchasing. To jailbreak iPad mini is not a big deal but once you do that you can able to download or install so many applications for use. It enhances the worth of your device to speeds it up to perform any task. You can easily download extensions, themes or wallpapers which are not possible with its original format.

Let’s talk about that how you can jailbreak iPad mini with minute-easy-dos:

IOS versions are used to jailbreak iPad mini and this procedure requires the latest version of IOS which is 6, although it is against the rules of corporation to jailbreak your device. Here steps are defined in order to jailbreak your mini iPad which makes it easy for you.

Software updateYou have to first upgrade your device from your older IOS version to its latest version 6.1 or 6.1.2. You can download 6.1 versions of IOS through online and can install it on your iPad to upgrade it.In case of already having this version you can start to jailbreak your device.

iCloud Back upIt is a healthy and sincere advice for people who wish to update or jailbreak their devices that first make a backup of your device and store data at any other place to keep your precious files safe for further use. iClouds also very popular for backup rationale. It will save you from many issues in case of losing your files from your iPad.


Remove any type of passwords or codes before doing so because these can make your way more complicated for you.Once you successfully upgrade your device then start to download the evasion version to jailbreak your iPad.

See Also: iPad Mini Review with 5 Best Features

jailbreak your iPadMake a folder on your PC and give it name “Pwnage” and save your download file of evasion into this folder.

PwnageExtract this zip file here to see the original format to use. Click two times on to the icon folder to run this procedure.

Extract zip fileThis will show you many other options from which you have to choose the run as administrator.

run as administratorAttach your iPad with PC setup to continue, this connection will possible with usage of a flash cable and you have to connect its one side into the PC and the other one into the device which makes connection between both.

Attach iPad with PCReboot your device and it will be ready to jailbreak and tap the button of jailbreak and wait for few minutes. You will see the screen working this process and will restart after finished its work.After restart Cydia will run on your device’s spring board which means you successfully jailbreak iPad mini.

Category: How-Tos, Jailbreak

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+