Microsoft Anounces Xbox Music app for iPhone

| September 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

Microsoft Anounces Xbox Music app for iPhone

The Microsoft announced Xbox Music app for iPhone and iPad on Monday ahead of the Apple’s iTunes Radio release. The Apple has been verified its music streaming service with the IOS 7 beta and is estimated to officially release it when the latest version of its iPad, iPhone and iPod touch operating system ships.

The Xbox Music allows the Xbox owners to stream the music without ads, easily manage music playlist that sync very well to the other Xbox music compatible devices, listen to the artist based stations, and many more. The Microsoft says that the Xbox Music for iPhone will soon give download support for the offline music listening, too.

Microsoft Anounces Xbox Music app for iPhone

The Apple proclaimed that the iTunes Radio during its WWDC (world wide  developer conference) in the June and has offered a particular service to the develpers as a part of its iOS 7 beta program. The Apple’s streaming music service gives different pre built stations, moreover the users can now build their own. It’ll be free of any cost with the ads, though the iTunes match users can now listen to stations ad-free.

The Microsoft’s Xbox Music service needs an Xbox Music pass. This nifty app is absolutely free of cost and is now available at the Apple’s iTunes based App Store. So enjoy your iDevice with this awesome app that will really make you happy.


Category: Apps

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+