Spotify An iOS App Gets Updated

| December 3, 2013 | 2 Comments

Spotify An iOS App Gets Updated

The Spotify an iOS app has been upgraded.  As well as introducing new features, it comes with Browse function from iPhone to iPad version. As the name sounds, this allows you to browse curated playlist categories such as new releases, Rock, Chill, Pop, Top Lists and work out.

Browse swaps ‘What’s New Feature.’ If you are using this application on your iPad, you will get some features that can’t be observed on iPhone. The new update allows you to follow artists and friends to see their releases and playlists, a bit like the MySpace. Searching is now more responsive, and playlists have a bit shiny new look. All these innovative features will be available very soon on iPhone version, Spotify states.

Spotify An iOS App Gets Updated

So what’s new? iPad and iPhone users can choose to make the playlists public or private using toggle, before it was only on the iPad, login and sign up is now easier and more streamlined. It fixes a bug which occurred when especially sharing from iPhone to email, Twitter, or text message.

Spotify An iOS App Gets Updated

Have you tried this new Spotify app? What do you think about it? Let us know your feedback in the comment section below or on our Facebook Page.


Category: Updates

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+