iOS 4.1 Download Manuals

| February 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

iOS 4.1 download is launched by apple which is an operating system used to run iPhone 4, iPhone 3 GS, iPhone 3 G and other iPod touches but cannot be used to run iPad system. IOS 4.2 will work perfectly to run the system of iPad. The starting date of IOS 4.1download is 8 September and can easily download by using notifications about its downloading process, in case of having no programming manual you can easily update your iPhone by following its steps. This process includes some steps like

IOS 4.1 download to upgrade your iPhone


  1. 1.       First attach your iPhone or Ipad to your computer by the use of USB then launch iTunes in your iPhone or iPad.
  2. 2.       After this a message will show in front of you, just click check for update
  3. 3.       At the end select IOS 4.1 download option and install on it.
  4. 4.       If you do not want to install then you can download it and install it later according to your requirement.

How to use IOS 4.1?

  • It has more control on audio playback with enhancement of Bluetooth like forward, back and volume. Whereas prior to 4.1 just volume can be controlled.
  • It facilitates the system to fix bugs in iPhones or iPods
  • Another effective feature of IOS 4.1 is HDR. This works in a good way to make a wonderful photo by applying lighting, shadows and altering rudiments. You have to click the HDR present at the corner of the camera.
  • Face time feature is also added in this version of IOS, through which you can easily access the face time contacts. In addition email addresses can also be your favorite bar for easy to access.
  • This version has a landscape quality to portrait features and change time to time.
  • In fact you can avail the facility to borrow T.V shows on your iPhones on rent on daily bases or fortwo days, if you do not want to purchase, also can enjoy with iTunes and videos too.
  • For people who do not want to recheck their spells they can add auto system for correction their spells. You can do it while going to setting programs.

Category: Updates

Author: Swagger Kaden()

Swagger has served his 9 years in Time Inc. and created several MAC and IPhone apps with a512KE llsi, he has done his exclusive jobs in Mellon Marry College of newspapers. He is specialized in editorial techs entertainment apps. Google+