Apple Acquires ‘Indoor GPS Data Company’ WifiSLAM

| April 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

News and Media reported the acquisition of Indoor GPS company ‘WifiSLAM’ by Apple, Inc. But there has been no press release and official announcement made from the companies. This was famous for its Indoor GPS technology. According to the news WifiSLAM was bought in $20 Million.

WifiSLAMThis is a famous for their indoor positioning technology, which increases location data inside the office buildings with Wi-Fi signals. WifiSLAM is a well-known company which started two years back and it was already getting funding from angel investors.

Something Extra in WifiSLAM

This is not particularly a Wifi service. Wi-Fi is a famous indoor GPS technology whichmakes data service and internet specifically exchangeable wirelessly for a computer network. It helps in sharing Internet connection among many internet users in an organization who have capacity to use wi-fi connection by having wifi-devices.

It has been associated with Google as company's co-founder Joseph Huang who has been a software engineering intern at Google. Apple has many options to utilize technology. It has wide variety of Apps and functionality to bring some newness in the tech-field.

Apple WiFISLAMApple's mapping service has been seen with couple of improvements and time to time it remains working to become a major compeititor to the rival Google’s Google Map. Google is not a direct competition to the Apple, as Samsung, but both Apple compete in Smart Phone OS markets. Android is Google Smartphone OS and iOS is Apple’s OS.

Apple’s upcoming Map’s technology or App might face very tough competition in the market as users prefer and know Google Maps and Apple users use Google Maps iOS app on Apple devices.WifiSLAM’s addition to Apple, would be a good sign and Apple did not reveal future plans regarding this service. Experts would be hoping and expecting something good regarding wifi and GPS technology with Apple now.

Category: Accessories, Updates

Megan Roose

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+