7 Functional Resources To Develop iOS Apps

| March 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

7 functional resources to develop IOS apps which help you to develop an app in the apple store. Sometimes it happens that without having a useful resource you become unable to find the proper idea to make the best app for systems and sometimes it cannot properly develop due to non functional tools which become hurdles in your tasks to make IOS apps.

This article will resolve your problems to describe about the best tools which lead you towards the best functional resources world. Start viewing the given tools.

Mockingbird and iMockups:

Mockingbird and iMockupsWhen you are planning something about new app and have decided to make an app then “Mockingbird” is the first tool among 7 functional resources to develop IOS app is the Sketching of the app. It will provide you the way to draw your imaginary design which you can send others to show off you design before making in shape of mockups. This structure of your design will save your time and money and get satisfaction of your client by showing it to him, whereas iMockups is for iPad’s apps.

Stack Overflow:

Stack Overflow

When you successfully achieved your design then you have to go for next step and start building your application. Using language of Objective C along with the Cocoa APIs is a fun loving way to develop an app. To resolve the issues regarding to its making process you can download the Stack Overflow by which you can ask any type of question about programming language and its platform.  

iPhone SDK examples:

it gives you the opportunity to copy and paste codes essential to development of an app or everything from images to its usages.


SnippetsIs given you for Mac apps to save the tiny codes which used in developing the app and can also be helpful to copy and paste any other side in development process of the app. It keep store in the list of snippets and you can easily view your required one by searching it into your menu list of Snippets.


ApplyzerAfter developing the app you can take a review by using some resources like applyzers. In this way you can easily assess the value of your program among previously mentioned list of apps in iTunes and the best thing is that it gives you result in whole world. Just make your account and add your newly developed app in shape of IDs, just press the button and you will have the display of your app’s ranks.

iTunes connect Mobiles:

iTunes connect MobilesITunes connect Mobiles is one in all 7 functional resources to develop IOS apps to view sales history in different countries around the world and shows the result in graphical representations, easy to asses, easy to use. For this tool you need to connect to iTunes to use this resource.

Category: Apps, Updates

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+