Fearless Bob A Ture Fun – iPhone Game Review

| April 25, 2014 | 0 Comments

Fearless Bob

Hey guys! Want to have a game that can really spice up your idle time? Here, I have known about a title that brings enough heat to supercharge your leisure when you don’t find anything captivating. The Windgrass Game’s Fearless Bob is a physics-based game that could be a godsend for those who take better interest in physics.

In the game, users need to help their friends (Other bobs) who are in the custody of a cruel monster. It isn’t that easy as it sounds. There’ll be lots of obstacles lying on your way. All you need to rescue your pals in order to go for next level that varies level to level. Coming with 30 stages, the game might feel you a little short, but it’s a worth playing stuff right on your iPhone.


The storyline isn’t complicated that even your kids can beat this game. The controls are easy to use and very responsive; there won’t be any problem while handling Fearless Bob. Each level would feel you different from the previous one; I think that’s the point which keeps the users’ interest alive until they master this game.

For me, it is a best game to play. One thing where this game lacks is its short game play as you only have to stick with 30 levels that get triumphed easily. Overall, it’s a good stuff to pass boredom.

The Fearless Bob is available for free at Apple App Store.


Category: Reviews

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+