Awkward Things About iOS 7 We’ve Found Yet

| September 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Awkward Things About iOS 7 We’ve Found Yet

With the iOS 7, the Apple made some big changes for the new appearance and functions of iOS. They’ve done awesome with it but some UI glitches and bugs can be observed in the new iOS 7. But here are some awkward things about iOS 7 we’ve found yet.

Launch bug allows you to drag around the whole app

In some particular cases, you can drag the screen while an application is launching, that has unintended consequences.

iOS 7 overlooks the lock screen wallpaper

After unlocking device, if you swiftly slide in the opposite direction then the iOS will overlook your screen lock wallpaper and use the wallpaper on the home screen instead.

Layout & UI glitches

The iOS 7 allows the app to take over the entire screen comprising the portion that was reserved earlier for status. This and lots of other modifications in design language have rose a large number of layout problems.

Make calls from the lock screen

The Lock screen has been a feeble point for the Apple from security perspective, and the iOS 7 also remains same. A bug was observed that allows the unauthorized users to dial any phone number from iPhone’s emergency screen, no need to enter your password.

Unauthorized images, email access from the lock screen

Just few days after the launch of iOS 7, a strange security flaw was observed which allows everyone to access your images, Twitter or emails from lock screen, no need for passcode.


Category: Reviews

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+