US Bans the Imports of iPhone 4,4S & iPad 2

| July 29, 2013 | 0 Comments

US Bans the Imports of iPhone 4,4S & iPad 2

The ITC ( international trade commission) bans on the import of iPhone 4,4S & iPad 2 into the United States comes into effect on the 5 August. The President Barack Obama is asked to intervene.

The ITC governed in the June this year that these products infringed on the Samsung patents. The problem is that iPhone 4,4S still accounts for closely half the US iPhone sales.

The Apple notified that the prohibition will ‘’ sweep away the whole segment of the Apple’s device offerings and damage its carrier partners.’’ Apple should be more alarmed that it doesn’t have a latest model accessible now ~ it might then  lessen the cost of the 5 and uphold the lower cost handset sales, although it would perhaps lose money on the every sale.

The patent contravention is important because it includes so~called FRAND patents, that are standard~essential patents that the owners are assumed to license to the competitors. Apple claims that the Samsung is interesting too much for the license  while the Samsung says that it has set a  reasonable offer before Apple.


I can’t help but sometimes feel that this entire thing is like a chess game being orchestrated by the Apple in the comforts of engendering poor United States public opinion against the Samsung.

Reading many comments and tweets on that specific topic, it looks that the Samsung is being painted south Korean ‘’baddie’’ when incongruously Apple has used the myriad of patent claims to upset competitors. Apple must think twice before boarding on the patent wars again.

Incongruously Apple is now representing itself as a great American company when President Barack Obama inquired Steve Jobs what it would take to carry ‘’those jobs back to US’’ Steve Jobs stated that they aren’t only US company, they have investors and offices around the world.

Amusingly Apple’s latest ‘’designed in the California’’ advertisements have been welcomed as enormous flops ~ Apple viewers and fans alike don’t want ‘’company policies’’ but the leadership, cool and innovative products. Ace Metrix, a media~consulting company gave advertisement sequence a score of 489, unusually low seeing Apple ads usually get over 700.

Category: News

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+