Microsoft to Bring a ‘remaster’ Version of Skype for iPhone Users

| June 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

New remastered Skype version for iPhone users

Microsoft on Monday said, it’ll be releasing a ‘remastered’ version of Skype for iPhone users in upcoming few days, making it more like those Android and Windows versions.

The new version for iPhone combines enhanced performance that you don’t need to worry about the battery issues, according to the Microsoft. There’re also some other new features that company will be debuting on the iOS platform such as offline messaging and improved message syncing. Microsoft also promised for an iPad version but didn’t mention when it will come.

Though, there’s no dearth of communication options on iOS platform like Messages and FaceTime, but it’s the fact that a large number of smartphone users use Skype. The company said on May 2013, the numbers of new Skype users are growing and double as compared to the last year.

Skype v5.0

‘’Just like the redesigned Skype for Android app, we took the opportunity to rewrite this new version from the ground up and customize it to fit iOS best,’’ Eric Lin (Product Marketing Manager for Skype) said, ‘’The new Skype for iPhone is redesigned to put your conversation at the center of a faster, smoother and far more integrated experience. Our designers AND engineers have obsessed over every pixel.’’

Really, iPhone users have been experiencing problems with the Skype on their devices. So, finally Microsoft has decided to bring them a relief in its Skype v5.0 especially devoted for the iPhone users.

We’ll let you know when Microsoft releases Skype v5.0 for iPhone users. Stay Tuned!

Source: Skype


Category: News

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+