Latest Sizzling Gossips for Apple iPad Pro

| February 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

Apple iPad Pro(Photo credit; SET Solution)

According to many reports floating around the tech society, Apple is on its way to shock the world with its new giant iPad Pro, which would largely concentrate on education and business markets. It’ll be more like a PC breaking the Apple’s traditions for tablets. If someone is thinking about dual operating systems, then  he/she can just only imagine as it’s a dream that won’t turn into reality. Apple has said repeatedly, it won’t be a mixture of iOS and OS X as it’s just a waste of energy.

However, it doesn’t affect the people to stop them imagining different ideas as they have a right to share anything that clicks their minds.  So, doing the same thing SET Solution (An Italian consulting company) brings a new idea for Apple iPad Pro that presents Mac OS X running on the device. Above all, it can be integrated wirelessly with keyboard and mouse. For your information, it’s a second attempt from this very company for the Apple iPad Pro. Though, the first one showed iOS 7 only instead of OS X.

Here’s what SET Solution imagines:

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Category: News

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+