Ferrari-Apple Possible Partnership

| March 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

Apple continues to innovate technology experience, communication and lifestyle of users as Ferrari revealed an upcoming extended partnership deal to be seen public in order to expand more possibilities and solutions for Ferrari buyers and Apple users who will buy Ferrari. Ferrari Chairman Luca Cordero Di Montezemolo talked recently about a possible deal between Apple and Ferrari which might be a great sign for Ferrari fans and Apple Users.

Ferrari-Apple partnership

According to the rumors Ferrari’s FF Model might be integrated and linked with Apple Solutions to enhance user experience and to provide more assistance to the fan base. Ferrari-driving experience will be more privileged with the iPad mini integrated internal entertainment system for rear seat passengers.

 Why Ferrari-Apple partnership would be substantial?

Ferrari and Apple both are considered trend setters and innovators on their fields. When innovators and trend setters join hands for something big, it actually becomes big. If Google integrates with Microsoft to launch some big and useful online solution based application, they might make a clear difference because both brands are innovators and trend setters.

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Ferrari has been one of the most versatile, elegant and classic brands of cars in the world. Ferrari cars belong to the top notch celebrities, industrialists and businessmen. Setting up such deals would add more value to the both brands. Apple is also considered the trend maker and setter of the technology. iPhone and iPad are the big examples of such innovations which Apple has shown in the past and continues to grow its user base. Apple’s biggest markets are North America, Europe and Australia, where as Apple is highly famous and liked technological solutions provider brand in Middle east and Asia.


Ferrari-Apple deal: How big it would be?

It can be better than that. In simple words, both giant brands will be shaking hands in the partnership to provide iPad integration with Ferrari’s FF Model. Fans base of Apple and Ferrari would be happy to see this news and would be looking forward to hear more updates on this partnership.

Category: Games, News

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+