Apple iOS 7 Adoption Rate Scores 87% of the Active Devices

| April 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

Apple iOS 7 adoption rate growing

The team behind the Apple must be rejoicing with the news that Apple’s iOS 7 adoption rate scores 87 percent of the active devices. Surprisingly, Apple users are more active to the latest updates than the Android users as we’ve seen KitKat, not gaining that sort of appreciation. This also means that the Cupertino-based company has been successful brining the users to the new upgrades.

iOS 7 adoption rate..

From the launch in September, the iOS 7 has been good to grab users. But when we look at the previous versions of iOS, they seem nothing as iOS 6 stands with 11 percent while the older iOS version holds only 2 percent of the active devices.

There’s not something special with iOS 7, the fact is that Apple has always been seeing quick adoption rate if we look back to the past track. The iOS users find it easy to upgrade to the latest one as there’s not any kind of complex work required. Perhaps, this could be a factor of such a quick adoption rate. But when we compare iOS adoption rate with Android, the iOS seems good than Android in spite of the fact that the Android users are more in numbers than the iOS.

iOS 8

For your information, the new iOS 8 is also under process to release on June 2 at San Francisco, the event will last for 5 days. Let’s see what Apple do with its new operating system. The new iOS 8 will bring an overhaul to Maps application. Another big thing which we’ll see is the addition of Healthbook app that can track your hearth beat, sleep habits, blood pressure, nutrition and more. Other improvements in the Siri and iTunes Radio could also be seen in iOS 8.


Category: News

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+