iOS 6 / 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Will Be announced By Planetbeing and Pod2g

| August 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

iOS 6 / 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Will Be announced By Planetbeing and Pod2g

News that the iOS 6 / 6.1 untethered jailbreak was seemed long ago but there is more update from the Pod2g and Planetbeing. When the hackers from the Dev Team haven’t anything to boast of, they favor to remain silent. But later on they’ve at least some reason for the pride ~ swiftly start to appear intriguing range of tweets.

 So, the planetbeing, who currently spoke about the iOS 6.0.1 & 6.0.2 jailbreak that isn’t only possible, but it seems nearly ready now. The Planetbeing clandestinely added that he accompanied by Pod2g  attained great result. Since the only cause which unites Planetbeing and Pod2g ~ the iPhone Dev Team, it is obvious that we’re taking about the upcoming utility to jailbreak the iOS 6.1 and all old version under the 6 version.

Here is only one trouble; now all depends on the Apple. First the Cupertino announced new firmware, that cannot be jailbreak. The hackers start seeking for the vulnerabilities, develop feats and experiments with the jailbreak. But as long as they’re capable to achieve some positive results, it have approved enough time from the old firmware, and the hackers say: ‘’ To create jailbreak now, susceptibilities which we’ve got will be closed swiftly.’’ So we’ve to wait for upcoming firmware release, and sometimes it occurs that the Apple closes weaknesses regardless of the hacker’s research.

But this Drop was the update that one of the best profilic hacker Pod2g released that it was the time stops to produce iOS 6 jailbreak and needs to concentrate on the other project. As it evicted, he produced his own mixer app for App Store known as podDJ. Now, when was his application published, he come back to his experiments with the iOS 6 jailbreak.

As for the Apple, it’s only comprehensible date regarding iOS 6.1 release. And it is 28 Jan 2013. On that day, the iOS 6.1 beta 4 dies, so in the advance of its incidence, the Apple will launch the iOS 6.1 Gold Master.  In the 2nd case, the final launch of the fresh and new firmware as well as the iOS 6 / 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak will be assured to wait for nearly two weeks.

Category: Jailbreak

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+