Get Updated with Weather Conditions – NCWeather Jailbreak Tweak for iOS 7

| February 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

NCWeather Jailbreak Tweak for iOS 7

Hey guys! Here’s a new NCWeather jailbreak tweak for iOS 7 users that keeps you updated with current weather conditions. The Notification Center will get a new weather widget once you’ve got this tweak. It shows you the recent weather predictions in a unique way.

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The NCWeather offers a new widget to your Notification Center that provides enough information that helps you forecast weather conditions including temperature, current location and lot more. All that you need to do is to tap on the NCWeather widget on the Notification Center, which will show you the weather predictions for five days. Note; the first tapping offers a forecast for next five hours while tapping it again will do for next five days.

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 Get Updated with Weather Conditions

the atmosphere of iOS 7 that looks very native. You can have this handy Jailbreak tweak from Cydia for only $0.99. It is compatible with all devices that runs iOS 7.

When you’ve installed this Jailbreak tweak, Go to the Settings > Notification and then tap on ON/OFF toggle to activate this widget.

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Category: Jailbreak

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+