Factory Unlock of iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S and 5

| April 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

We bring good news for iPhone users that you can avail the chance to factory unlock your iPhone 4, 4S, 3GS and iPhone 5 free of cost one in a month. For this purpose you have to send us your personal information and contacts addresses of your Facebook and emails so we can add you in the list of candidates.

One in sense that we cannot afford more than one device because it is very costly and you have to pay 24 to 99 $ for your one device so it is a big offer for Apple users.

Once you factory unlock your device then it become eligible to use any SIM card without settled limitations and it allows you to use different applications which you cannot do with locked device.

Check out your devices:

Factory-UnlockIf you are interested to unlock your phone then you have to check out first that is your device is compatible to unlock or not. Here I describe a list of iPhones which has capacity to bear this load in this list iPhone 4, 4S, iPhone 5 and iPhone 3GS are added.

See More: Unlock iDevices With iOS 6.1.3

After unlocking the device, the IMEI of your phone will be given to the Apple company that you can use it without having any restrictions. In spite of this, to factory unlock your iPhone 4, 4S, 3GS and 5 you also need to know about those versions of firmwares which are supported to IMEI.

If your device is running on one of these IOS then you can easily unlock that device these are:

  • 4.3.5
  • 5.0
  • 5.0.1
  • 5.1.1
  • 6.0
  • 6.0.1
  • 6.1

On the other side it is very essential to get aware about the basebands which provides signals to your iPhone that supported to your iPhone model:

  • 04.11.08
  • 04.12.01
  • 02.10.04
  • 04.12.02
  • 04.10.01
  • 01.59.00

See More: Unlock iPhone 4

These are the basebands of iPhone 4 that supported to IMEI whereas iPhone 4S has:

  • 03.0.04
  • 02.00.12
  • 01.00.13
  • 01.00.11

Basebands that support IMEI. Here you have to know about all those basbands of iPhones that supported to IMEI so iPhone 5 basebands are 01.00.16 and iPhone 3 GS has:

  • 05.13.04
  • 05.16.07
  • 05.15.04
  • 05.14.02
  • 05.16.05
  • 05.16.02.

These are the whole basebands of those devices who are compatible to factory unlock having the support to all these bands.

Once you completely got the information about factory unlock your iPhone 4, 4S, 3GS and 5 and regarding IMEI numbers along with supported basebands then you can add yourself in to the list of viewers by adding your personal data and your iPhone’s category and other related contact addresses to get free unlock opportunity for your device. Now you will be informed about your winning status if you will be lucky enough but it does not mean to lose your hope.


Category: iphone, Jailbreak

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+