Download Firmware for iPod

| April 11, 2013 | 0 Comments

A message for Apple users that this article will help you find the appropriate firmware for their iPod devices either you have interested to upgrade it or reinstall its previous version of firmware.

See More: Firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod

Apple has introduced the iPod in categories based on Generations for these updated model apple also launched different firmware to operate this device. Let’s have a review about the generations of iPod until now, it has 1 to 5 generation types and 5.5 is an additional one.

iPod’s whole generations to upgrade The latest models of iPod have been introducing in touch system that make its feature more attractive and prestigious for users. This article will provide you the links to download firmware for iPod.  

See Also: Download IOS 6.1.3

Ways to use the download links:

From here download firmware for iPod’s whole Generation, just need to tap on that link and it will take you towards the direct link to download your selected version of firmware for your device. The list of firmware is given below:

Once you decide to download require the version of your choice then click on it and follow the next procedure to make it download possible. When it starts downloading, you have to wait for minutes that process will finish. It will save as a zip file which you need to extract on your system to continue the installation on your iPod.

Firmware for iPodA suggestion line for unaware users is that first backup your precious files or documents before going to update your device, it will save you from coming hurdles in case of having trouble in system of your device that can damage the whole data present in your device so beware this. It is necessary even for those who just want to reinstall their prior version for safety precautions.

If you want to update or reinstall firmware on your iPod, follow the given instructions to download firmware for iPod after that, you have to take steps to install it on your device. 

Use latest version of iTunes and click shift for PC users and tap the bottom of Option for Mac users to upgrade or to reinstall the firmware on your iPod. It will give you the option of file dialog from where you have to select the IPSW file for downloading.

The saved zip file need to extort in original form then by using iTunes way you become able to update or to reinstall the previous firmware versions of iPod.

Category: iPod, Updates

Addison Mel

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+