Next iPad Mini Might Comprise Retina Display from Samsung
The supply for the retina displays hasn’t reached a point where the Apple can choose who to purchase from in order to comprise the screens on some the devices. Based on the analysis from the 2012, the next iPad mini with the retina display will cost the Apple approximately $60 more per unit, and leaving the company without much of the profit.
The Apple has listened to the customers and has decided to comprise a Retina display on the upcoming generation iPad mini, that might end up being launched before the end of this year. If the reports are accurate, the Apple will partner with the LG, Samsung and Sharp to receive an appropriate amount of the retina screens, in spite of wanting to confine its involvement with the Samsung.
Retina Everything; or Not?
With the triumph of Retina display on the full~size iPad, MacBook Pro and iPhone, the rumors have been coming out about the Retina display for every new Apple product. While it is probably Apple’s aim to have its products transition to the higher~resolution display, it isn’t easy. We can observe that simply with the Apple allegedly being forced to partner with the Samsung to get sufficient displays.
The price is also a main factor in the Apple devices, particularly as it tries to contest with the competitors that seem to be able to give similar products for less. The retina display might force the iPad mini’s cost higher, and in turn would leave Apple with the few customers.
Samsung and Apple; A Love~Hate Relationship
No matter how firm Apple tries, it can’t pull away from the Samsung completely. The Apple is in an obvious fight with the Samsung in the courts all over the world. One fight might still lead to the ban of the iPhone 4 in the United Nations. And the wall street journal report said, the Apple might still have to work with its opponent.
Years ago the Microsoft and Apple relevant products/services were fighting each other, but now the genuine battle is between the Samsung and the Apple, with the Samsung partially serving as the proxy for the Google. The legal battles ~~ particularly involving patents ~~ occur often in the technology industry, but it’s rare that the many companies going against each other and also trust on one another.
Whether the Apple will work with the Samsung depends on the rumors whether these are true and the company basically decides on boosting the mini to comprise a Retina display.
Category: ipad