iOS for iPad – How to Install the Latest Version

| March 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

The new version iOS 6 for IPad have various new features such as if you can enable the speak option then your iOS device can read any text that is selectable. You can even have the Emoji keyboard to have icons in your messages, emails and even tweets.

See Also: Latest iOS Version With Passbook

You can even enjoy various options by simply having iOS 6 on your iPad like having an audio output, have your personal IMDB. You can even edit siri. Therefore follow and understand the tutorial to install ios 6.

install ios 6 on ipad

Guidelines Steps:

The following steps will guide you how you can install iOS for iPad.

Step 1: You have to download the file and restore the iPad.

 Step 2: Set your language and location. For example if you speak English, you should select English as the language and if you are a native of United States select that as the country.

 Step 3: Choose your wireless network.

 Step 4: Then you should enter the password of your wireless network.

 Step 5:  You should join your WI-FI network.

 Step 6: Now setup location services.

Step 7: Now set new iPad especially if you are installing the version 6.

Step 8: Now sign in with your Apple ID.

Step 9: Then accept the terms of service.

Step 10: Now set up the Apple ID on your iPad.

Step 11: Setup icloud and backup to the cloud.

Step 12: Now select find my iPad.

Step 13: You should let other people reach you at these addresses that are your email address and your mobile number.

Step 14: You should use siri that is on your iPad.

Step 15: Then you should send Diagnostics to Apple.

Step 16: Press start to use iPad 6.

If you follow the above steps exactly as mentioned you can install iOS for iPad with ease and you can have iOS 6 on your iPad. However, for correct installation you have to follow the step exactly as mentioned.

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If you encounter any issues in installation you can always refer to the internet for reference and rectify your mistake. Internet has tremendous resources that can give you an insight on any issue you encounter. Secondly it is advisable to always have the most updated version of iOS.

If you do have the latest version you would come across minimal issues in your iPad and you can have an enjoyable lifetime experience using your iPad.



Category: ipad, Updates

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+