Know The iPhone Symbols And Status Bar icon Signs

| June 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

Know The iPhone Smybols And Status Bar icon Signs Many people do not know the iPhone icon and status bar icons as what they stand for, as these icons  are Situated at the top of the screen. If you are the victim of such queries then there is no need to get worried about it as you are not the only one who do not know these icons. There are some symbols that you can easily recognize them but there are also some other iPhone symbols that produce a little problem for you.

Know The iPhone Smybols And Status Bar icon Signs The problem of recognizing iPhone symbols have been found in even old iPhone users but there are some easy iPhone symbols which can be recognized by anyone easily like battery bars signals, LTE, Wi-Fi indicators and 4G. And what about the other iPhone symbols and icons?

Know The iPhone Smybols And Status Bar icon Signs After this post you will be able to recognize all iPhone symbols and icons as Apple has issued a little table which could be helpful in identifying the iPhone symbols and icons. Mostly you see user guide in PDF format but many people ignore it as it take some time to open  but here we give you a table with quick reference which is given below.

 Know The iPhone Smybols And Status Bar icon Signs You would have observed that there is a resemblance between the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad but some of iPhone symbols and icons have a bit contradiction with these ones not too much.

Category: How-Tos

Eadie Simpson

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+