Know How You Can Use The Burst Mode On iPhone 5S

| October 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


Know How You Can Use The Burst Mode On iPhone 5SWhen the Apple uncovered iPhone 5S, the main feature shown off during presentation was the camera enhancements. These two features stood out there more than others, were slo mo videos and Burst Mode on iPhone 5S.

The Burst Mode on iPhone 5S will capture the photos at up to the 10 frames/second, So do not miss the perfect shot. This comes in useful especially when taking a child’s photo, or action shot when timing is important.

But the question is that how can we use this amazing Burst Mode on iPhone 5S perfectly, ok let me tell you, just launch Camera app and then confirm that you are using either the square or the photo setting.

And next, frame the shot and then tap the Shutter Release Button, you can also use the volume key for this purpose that is located on your iPhone.

Know How You Can Use The Burst Mode On iPhone 5S

You will hear a shutter sound, instead of one click, you will hear a quick series of them. You will also see a count indicator placed next to the shutter button on the screen. From this count you can easily see entire snaps you have snapped in this quick burst.

No need to fuss about your Camera Roll as the software in iPhone 5S will group them in only one thumbnail. How you take this Burst Mode on iPhone 5S? so feel free in commenting in the comment section below.


Category: How-Tos

Eadie Simpson

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+