Know How You Can Use Emoji Pics right on Your iPhone or iPad

| July 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

Use Emoji Pics right on Your iPhone

You might have got an iMessage that contained some pictures that evoke someone else’s emotions. It could be anything like flowers, pics of cars or animals, dancers and smiley faces. Now, you don’t know how to get into this? These pics were known as ‘emoticons’, but nowadays they got a new name called emoji pics. Surprisingly, your iPhone and iPad have an ability to send or receive these pics. All you need to do is to enable them!

Here’s how you enable emoji pics on your iOS device.

emoji pics on iphone

  • Go to the Setting app on your iOS device
  • Hit on General
  • Move down to tap on the Keyboard
  • Select ‘Add New Keyboard’
  • Scroll down and tap Emoji

How to get into Emoji Pics? Follow the steps mentioned down here.

  • Open up any application that uses keyboard like Messages app.
  • Go for new message as normally do.
  • Tap the ‘Globe Key’ after when you got a keyboard popping up.
  • Now, you can explore all different section and select the Emoji you like. Tap again on the ‘Globe key’ that’ll get you back on the regular keyboard where you can proceed.

emoji pictures for welldone

That’s what you need to do! Emoji  pics aren’t limited to any specific app as you can find it any app that allows keyboard input. So, enjoy sending Emoji pics to your loved ones using iPads, iPhones, or Macs.

Want to add something? Please feel free and let us know how you look at Emoji pics in the comment section given below.


Category: How-Tos

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+