iOS in iPhone 5 Updating through AirWay Methods

| February 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Apple specially introduced the latest version of IOS to operate iPhone 5. How to update IOS in iPhone 5 is become the headache of persons who want to operate their iPhones with IOS updates. Your iPhone will run fast to operate system after launching IOS.

How to update IOS in iPhone 5 with latest versioniPhone 5 with having latest IOS operating system gives you many features to use in your daily activity which makes easier your tasks. It is lighter and thinner than other devices with larger display having other attractive features of easy to connect Wi-Fi and faster in operating functions.  You can easily browse and download things with its strong networks spread all over the world. You can upload things as many as you want because of its heavy storage capacity. Two ways are described here to how to update IOS in iPhone 5. The one is over the air and the second is through PC.

OTA Instructions to update IOS in iPhone5:

  1. Over the air is a wireless technique to keep your iPhone upgrade to IOS. There is no need of PC but some other things are required seemingly in which full charging of battery and the best will be to plug in electricity to be cautious from hazards or to remain under process due to uncharged of iPhone.
  2. Safe precious data in another device or you can take a backup of files for future use in case of loosing at the time of upgrading or restarting.
  3. Proper Wi-Fi connections are also required to connect and uploading.
  4.  After that view application store.
  5. Find updates in general setting concerning to IOS version which you demand for your iPhone 5.
  6.  There you will have a message for update.
  7. Press the concerned button to download the IOS version.
  8. Subsequent to installing your iPhone will turn towards off mode and immediately will restart then you have to press the ok button. It will take some time to come back its new mode.

iTunes Process to update IOS in iPhone 5:

iTunes way is based on PC to update IOS in iPhone 5 attach first with PC and follow these instructions.

  1.  Ensure that you have iTunes setting to view IOS versions.
  2. Search the version which you require to upgrade in iPhone 5.
  3. Then give command to install by pressing the downloading button.
  4. Do not try to detach your iPhone during the process first give time to complete it and then put it away.
  5. Your iPhone need to resume for which you have to be patience to see the successive results.


Category: How-Tos, iphone

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+