How to get Black Berry Messenger on iPhone and iPad

| November 6, 2013 | 1 Comment

How to get Black Berry Messenger on iPhone and iPad

Do you find yourself lost without Black Berry Messenger despite all the whistles and bells of your iPhone? You are in luck. Now, you can download BBM (Black Berry Messenger) from the AppStore, for absolutely free of cost. So lets use it like any other messaging app. Here is how to get Black Berry Messenger on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 1; Download Application

How to get Black Berry Messenger on iPhone and iPad

First off, open the AppStore and search for Black Berry Messenger. The official BlackBerry app should be at the top, it is a totally free application. Click ‘’Download’’ and you are fine on your way to Black Berry Messenger.

Step 2; sign up or Log in

How to get Black Berry Messenger on iPhone and iPad

Sign in with a current BBM ID or Log in for a new one. For those who’re unfamiliar with this application, BBM’s ID is the best novelty itself. Instead of putting your name, phone number or email address like in other services, you are identifiable by unique BBM Pin Number, connected to the BlackBerry ID.

Step 3; Message away

How to get Black Berry Messenger on iPhone and iPad

Remember one thing this app is optimized for iPhone 5, but as far as your cellular + Wi-Fi enabled device is having iOS 6 or later, you should not have any issues with it. Black Berry Messenger is well compatible with the iPhone and most Cellular + Wi-Fi iPads & iPad Minis, comprising iPad Air and iPad Mini (Retina Display). Means BBM isn’t made for iPod Touch users.


Category: How-Tos

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+