Time to Move On with New Stuff – Latest iOS Games

| June 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

latest iPhone games

It’s a fact that we soon get bored with the things that we do regularly. So what should we do to avoid boredom? Perhaps, playing games might do the job. So we’ve assorted some of the latest iOS games to let you choose your favorite one.

Mucho Party

Mucho Party

Get ready for a great fun that’ll turn you into a tomato, clock, apple, teapot, telephone, lemon avatar or tomato. At the start, the app will ask you to get a selfie giving a bit more personal touch. It brings 30 different games with 6 game modes including Mosaic, Random, Duel, TicTacToe, HotSeat and League. It’s the best thing that two players can have in their pass time.



The Korigame Entertainment’s DUNGEONy ($3) is a turn-based strategy game demanding you to make your way clear to the required destination. So are you ready to bomb everything you think could stop you moving ahead? The retro game comes easy in hands and doesn’t involve anything complex to do.



The app’s name better suggests its storyline. You’re going to play as the Prometheus, the courageous Spartan who tries to steal the fire of Gods, an object containing unlimited power. So the battle starts and lots of factions are being ready to kill you.


Category: Games

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+