iPhone Apps To Get Your kids On the Right Track

| July 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

Must-have iPhone Games for Kids

Are you worried about your kids and want to get them on the right track? If so, here we’ve assembled some of the nifty iPad & iPhone apps that’ll surely help you to engage your children with handy learning stuff. Let’s check em out..,

Dino Dog

Dino Dog

The StoryToys Entertainment’s Dino Dog ($2) helps your kids to know about Dinosaurs. One thing that comes common in every kid is the curiosity to know more about the mysterious things like magic lamps, witches, superheroes. So, with this app your kids aren’t going to waste their times instead will get knowledge regarding archeology.

State Bingo and Road Trip US

State Bingo and Road Trip US

The Niyaa LLC’s State Bingo and Road Trip US ($3) is what every parent would like to have for its kids. Children always take pleasure in visiting different locations. So, this game is no more different from that thought. In the game, players need to pilot a road trip consisting of 50 states by simply answering the questions about the each state.

DragonBox Elements

DragonBox Elements

Worried about your kids as they don’t show any interest in geometry? If so, give this game ($3) a little try. It lets your children learn geometry in no time. It’s a fun that your kids wouldn’t like to quit easily. It largely focuses on the Euclidean geometry including discovering angles and shapes, drawing geometric figures and solving proofs.


Category: Games

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+