Best Shooting Games For Your iPad

| March 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

Best shooting games for your iPad

Hey pals! How’s your gaming experience at your iPad? If you haven’t find any nifty title yet, then there must be a problem with you as there’re lots of games available in the App Store that can really spice up your pass time. Today, we’ve come up with a shooting stuff only as it’s one of the best categories you can play on your tablet. Here are the best shooting games for your iPad listed down.


Gameloft's 9mm

It’s a time to take revenge from desperadoes who’re messing with the whole country. The advanced weapons and slo-mo effects don’t let you down even after long gameplays. The 9mm developed by Gameloft knows exactly how to keep the players intact for multiple hours.

Dead Space

Dead Space for your iPad

That’s epic stuff, I must say. The Dead Space contains all that you wanted to see in a sharp shooting game. With unique storyline, the game is gonna rock your tablet. The graphics and sound effects double up your gaming experience. Get hold of Dead Space for a better leisure.

Max Payne Mobile

Max Payne Mobile for your tablet

That’s biggie, the title really takes you beyond the limits gearing up your shooting experience. For me it’s a best game which you can play right on your large screen display. What about being a quick killer who doesn’t care about anything, just kill and kill.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies

Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies

Featuring 50 enchanting levels, a zombie-sort-of title produces enough heat to kill your pass time. The things become niftier when you switch to multiplayer mode where four players can take part in the thrilling game. So go and grab this opportunity of being entertained.

 Which is your favorite one? Please sound off in the comment section given below.


Category: Games

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+