Best iOS Games to Supercharge Your Pastime

| July 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

Best iOS Games for Your Leisure

Have got bored with the games on your iPhone or iPad? It’s time to replace them with new ones. Here we have listed some of the best iOS games to let you choose your favorite one. Scroll down to know more about them.

Hitman GO

Hitman GO

The SQUARE ENIX’s Hitman GO ($5) is a strategy game challenging your assassination skills. You need to be very calm throughout the game because your each decision or move is going to impact the whole situation. It’s not that you’re following the same procedure; every level requires different tactics and strategies to be executed. Surely, you’ll be having fun with Hitman Go in your idle time.

Leo’s Fortune

Leo's Fortune

The app ($5) puts players into a task of finding stolen gold from mysterious and cunning thief. The adventure game features handsomely hand-crafted stages adding more realistic aspect. The story is simple and interesting; all you need to follow the trail of gold made by crook through the forest.

Wayward Souls

Wayward Souls

The Rocketcat Games’ Wayward Souls ($6) is an action-packed adventure game for those who think they can beat every game. It’s a quite tricky but will be helping if you have been in a business of playing games for a long time. It’s all about fighting in a combat where your timing, positioning and tactics matter.

Monument Valley

Monument Valley..

How does it feel when you guide someone who isn’t familiar with the surroundings? Obviously, sounds great. So now, get ready to guide a helpless princess to the desired destination through complicated architectures. The Monument Valley ($2) combines a simple storyline that doesn’t let you down when you have nothing to do with.


Category: Games

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+