2K Drive an iOS Game Announced For The Game Lovers

| August 17, 2013 | 0 Comments

2K Drive an iOS Game Announced For The Game Lovers

The premium iPad and iPhone title is in progress at the Lucid Games, the Liverpool centered studio established in 2011 by ex~Bizarre creations staff who operated on the likes of Blur & the project Gotham racing series.

2K Drive an iOS Game Announced For The Game Lovers

According to the authorized announcement:

2K Drive an iOS game gets the players to the iconic places around the globe as a world~class competitive driver. With the wide collection of racing modes for the both multiplayer and single, comprising track racing, street racing, drag racing, off~road racing and more than twenty challenging mini~games, the 2K Drive an iOS game promises a lively gameplay experience for the car enthusiasts of all stages.

The game players will enjoy modifying their experience with the use of game’s ‘RaceFace’ feature, letting the each driver get themselves  behind the wheel of 25 licensed cars, from the manufacturers comprising Fiat, Dodge, GM, Ford, Local Motors, Mazda, Icon, Maclaren, So~Cal and Nissan. Moreover, the game players will be able to monitor their friends from behind the wheels of their cars when they race against them in the asynchronous multiplayers mode.

Category: Games

Author: Swagger Kaden()

Swagger has served his 9 years in Time Inc. and created several MAC and IPhone apps with a512KE llsi, he has done his exclusive jobs in Mellon Marry College of newspapers. He is specialized in editorial techs entertainment apps. Google+