Eadie Simpson
Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences.
Eadie Simpson's Latest Posts

iFaith App for Mac OS X Launched on April, 7
If you are a user of Mac OS X, you will be glad to know that iH8Sn0w launched iFaith for your system to save your certificates directly from your device. This will be beneficial in the sense when you want to upgrade your device with the latest firmware and need to have a backup of […]

Lego Lightning Dock For iPad
You might never find docks for fourth-gen iPad and iPad mini. Apple products users did not find such accessories and they might get happy after reading this. Its been easy for you if you were looking for docking devic e to hold your iPad. Why Lego Lightning Dock is Best iPad? Lego Lightning Dock is […]

Transfomation of iPhone Contacts to MacBook
Are you guys looking for a best way to transfer contacts from iPhone to MacBook pro?And interested to have a copy of your audio and video songs on your PC system then use iTunes method to make this transfer possible from your iPhone device. It is not casually happening but seriously affects on you and […]

Ultrasn0w, SAM and Gevey SIM to unlock IOS 6.1.2
Apple’s IOS version is 6.1.2 which is good for use in every sense which is easy to download, install and easy to unlock and jailbreak too, whereas on the other side it is still not possible for latest 6.1.3 version of IOS to unlock and jailbreak. IOS 6.1.2 provides you opportunity to use Ultrasn0w, SAM […]

Download Install, Unlock and Jailbreak Ios 6.1.3
Before few days apple has released a new firmware version in shape of IOS 6.1.3 Beta 2. This is made to fix some bugs which were still remaining same in the previous version of IOS. It has more features that fix the bugs of passcode unlock and has advanced mapping facility for the country of […]

iOS 6.1.3 No Support for Evasion
People love to jailbreak their iDevices to get freedom to download special apps from the Apple Store and also this jailbreak allow them to use their iPhone with one SIM card in foreign countries but now it is going to be in worst condition that you will not able to jailbreak your device with newly […]

8 Tricks to Start New iPhone
Have you bought an iPhone and searching best ways to use it more effective and for long time. Then you can view this whole article by scrolling down curser of your mouse. Here you will find 8 Tricks to Start New iPhone. Either you have iPhone 4, 4S or 5, it will help you with […]

Lock Screen Vulnerability fixes With IOS 6.1.3
Lock screen vulnerability fixes with IOS 6.1.3 which is the recently launched version of apple’s operating system. Before few days after a hard struggle of developers apple introduced a latest IOS 6.1.3 that will help you in ways to resolve different persisting issues regarding your iDevices. This IOS especially work to fix the bug of […]

iPhone Electric Shock Case, Protect Your Device from Robbery
It sounds dramatic and amazing that is iPhone has a case containing quality to give electric shock while it is going to be stolen. Yes it is true and wonderful feature of a case that iPhone electric shock case protects it from robbery. This case named “yellow jacket” and first made for iPhone 4 and […]

Step to Become an iPhone App Developer
Being an iPhone app developer is quite a challenging task and you have a lot on the line. The main quality that should come to the developer naturally is logical thinking. Logical thinking and coding go hand in hand. Moreover the developer should be able to implement his concepts exactly the way he had conceptualized […]