Top 5 Apple Apps of the year 2013

| February 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

Users like to have different kinds of apps on their Smartphones and tablets. Actually, the real charm and appeal of any device is due to its features and applications. That’s why every user prefers to have engaging and useful apps on its iOS device.

Various sorts of apps become famous from time to time, but there are some specific ones that do not lose their worth with the passage of time. However, today we are going to assist you about top 5 Apple Apps that you must have.

Top 5 Apple Apps of the year

  1. Facebook

People use their iPhone, iPad and iPods for different purposes. However, everyone likes to be engaged in the entertainment-filled activities. A gadget without a fun app cannot provide you the ultimate amusement you have always been looking for. Facebook is the most widely used social media app all around the world. You can keep up with your friends simply by using the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad.


It’s free and you can download it from here.

  1. Photosynth

Photosynth is a dramatic app for those who love to edit photos. If you are looking for a good panorama product, then this can be very constructive. It is user-friendly and very easy to use. Even the starters can make the best photos using helpful features of Photosynth. It is one of the most widely used Apple apps.


Download it for free.

  1. Dropbox

Countless applications are available on the internet to share content among your friends and family. There are also some reliable apps that let you get a sufficient online storage capacity. Nevertheless, Dropbox is an efficient app that is being used world over for managing your content online. Save the precious content and share it with your friends. It is very facilitating and everyone can upload items easily.


Free download

  1. Skype

It is quite problematic to find a person who does not know about this world-famous app. If you want to stay connected with your loved ones through voice and video calling, then Skype is the app for you. Make unlimited voice and video calls wherever you want.


Free Download Skype

  1. Google Earth

Finding the desired destination in a strange country or city has become very convenient nowadays because Google earth app is serving millions of people across the world. You can easily find direction by using this majestic app.

Goolgle Earth

Free Download

All these apple apps can bring a great convenience into your life.


Category: Apps, Updates

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+