Top 3 iOS Apps for Children to Buy in Vacations

| March 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

ABC Theater

ABC Theater is a cool interactive kids iOS app which to entertain and teach children of age from 2 to 6. In this app. In this iOS app kids have to trace each letter to help each letter to allow them to live happily. Kids get happy when they make letters alive while playing this game.

ABC Theater

When some app has great features and entertaining interface, it happens sometimes that it has some weak points as well. Some kids might don’t like the change of appearance during the ABC Theater running and look and impression of this app get shaky when it asks children to rate this app. But, it can considered a good addition to the iOS kids app collection. Price of ABC Theater is $2.99 at itunes.


Know Your USA

Kids can have a wide collection of iOS app for their iPad and iPhones. Know Your USA is a good apps regarding geographic data and information of USA. It helps people and especially kids who want a simple, well developed and designed iOS App for their kids in USA.

Know Your USA

If your kids or one of them like geography of the world and you have provided softwares like World Atlas or related to that in the past, this Know Your USA’ iOS app can be a better and latest technological related solution for you.  Kids in USA would love to find out each state, state capital and much more information like major rivers in this kids iOS app. Know Your USA’  iOS app is available in $0.99 at itunes.

See Also: 3 iOS Apps Kids would Love to Play

War Horse

War Horse is an amazing iOS app for school going children who participate in the sports like running, racing, jump and other recreational and sports acitivities at School. Mostly age group of 9 to 16 are the major category for War Horse app users. The children of this age range know each and every operating and playing function of the iPad and iPhone.

War Horse

The point is, this app gives knowledge and this age group children are able to understand things being told to them, they listen stories at home and especially at grandma’s home. This app has a full book and it also includes historic maps, cool and well designed photos, and a dramatic reading style to entertain readers. The point mostly parents and teachers won’t like would be the war and fight perspective in this iOS App.  War Horse is priced in $13.99 at itunes.


Category: Apps

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+