Telly iPhone App 2.0 version releases

| March 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

Telly iPhone App is a video sharing app for iPhone users. Telly iPhone App is another great way to interact with friends and family. Sharing videos of fun, parties videos, picnic videos and home made funny videos are always worth to share with your friends, relatives overseas, cousins and closed-ones.

Telly iPhone App

Telly proudly annouced Telly iPhone App 2.0 version of this app for iPhone users. This amazing iPhone app has come in the updated edition to enhance user experience to show more lavish family moments in a great way.  

Telly iPhone

Telly claims to be focused on helping users and helping them to connect with their loved ones through this app!

Sharing good and fun moments are always exciting and expression of happiness among each other. This Telly iPhone App makes you closer with your special ones.

Also See: iOS App Path Starts Private Messaging for Users


Telly iPhone App 2.0

Features of Telly iPhone App

Video Sharing: Telly iPhone App provides you the ability to share videos with your family and friends you created or some how accidently made. People like to share funny and amazing videos on social media sites to share with friends, Telly iPhone App  gives easy and quick way to share with friends.

Group Private Chat

Telly iPhone App provides ability to respond to the videos my messages. Group can comment on the videos you shared.

Community Engagement

Engage family and friends through your Telly iPhone App and utilize your iPhone to capture great moments.

Creative Interface and function

This iPhone app has a creative and easy to understand interface. More improved version of Telly iPhone App would be a good experience.

Tag friends and family

Tagging gives alerts to your friends and family. You uploaded a funny video of your dog and you want to show your friends, just tag them.


Get notified on the friends activity made on the items of yours. See all video interactions done by others on your videos.

Category: Apps

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+