Know How You Can Use Siri to Enjoy iTunes Radio

| December 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Enjoy iTunes Radio using Siri

If you’re getting bored and want to enjoy iTunes Radio on your iPad or iPhone running iOS 7 or later and you’re doing it in U.S. It’s very simple to do but the problem starts with the fact that many of us don’t know how to play iTunes Radio using Siri while driving where we don’t find ourselves free to launch the Music application. You can use Siri for this purpose.

Here are some step by step instructions upon acting you can play iTunes Radio using Siri.

  • Tap and Hold ‘’Home Button’’ on your handset running iOS 7 or higher to activate the Siri.
  • It’s up to you what you say to Siri, for example, Play Shakira on iTunes Radio. You can also go for any song or any specific genre which you think that it’ll go better.
  • Then iTunes Radio will do its job by playing your song which you have specified.

Siri and iTunes Radio

So, you’ve finished the procedure and that’s all which someone might take difficult. You can also get more control by specifying the things deeply. For quick access of Music, Siri is the best option for you to enjoy your pick.

Apple promised that they are on their mission to bring more regions for iTunes Radio and it is no longer far away.


Category: Apps

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+