Internal Gyroscope Supports App 360 iPhone

| March 17, 2013 | 0 Comments

App 360 iPhone makes it easy to take your perfect panorama pictures and videos of your favorite scene. This app can be installed on idevices like iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It gives you the best quality of your camera and not only this, by taking pictures you can do your best one panorama with your web friends and share it on your web pages.


360 app iphone

Why it is Better?

If you have an iPhone and want to shoot 360 images from your device then you can get it by installing it to 360 app. It is not special for latest devices, in case you have 3 GS iPhone, 4 and 4 S iPhone or latest 5. iPad, iPod touch can also be upgraded with this application.

App 360 iPhone is an application for idevicesdeveloped by Occipital to make you a professional photographer just like experts. Wide format photography is a technique which many photographers used to make their most excellent pictures.

app 360It can also be possible for having iPhone user to take 360 images by using this app. When you heard the quality of this app you will feel superb that how you capture the image with this app, you can capture the large area of the scene by taping the touch screen then all these pictures joint together to make 1 extra ordinary image.

This facility is available automatically and you can upload it on to your facebook, twiter and anywhere on web where you want.

Internal Gyroscope of the iPhone work for this application to capture professional images and all images store into your phone’s images gallery. Another feature of this app is that you will not able to change your panorama images once you made and upload even your friends can see this image but cannot share it to others because they need to have 360 verse portal for this purpose.

360 iphone app

It is easy to use just open camera and click the button to capture the scene and it will take few seconds to do this process. You can get the best results by following some tips to take images of your favorite scenes, keep you device close to you in front of your face to get the clear view.

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Hold your face at one place and set your camera according to the situation Do not try to move yourself while you are in position to take image and pan the iPhone around the scene, wait for few seconds in same position until it will properly precede its capture process.

Now see you have the excellent panorama in your iPhone to upload and to share with your friends and family persons. App 360 iPhone is really amazing that enables you to capture the good one image for your images gallery.

Buy from iTunes only in $0.99

Category: Apps, iphone

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+